What is Recovery Coaching?
Recovery Coaching is a form of strength-based, healing-centered support for persons in or seeking recovery from alcohol, substances, and other addictions. Similar to life and business coaching, Recovery Coaching is a type of partnership where the person in or seeking recovery self-directs their recovery while the coach provides their expertise in supporting successful change.
Recovery Coaching focuses on achieving any goals important to the individual. The coach asks questions and offers suggestions to help the client begin to take the lead in addressing his/her recovery needs. Recovery Coaching focuses on honoring values and making principle-based decisions, creating a clear plan of action, and using current strengths to reach future goals. The coach serves as an accountability partner to help the person sustain his/her recovery. The Recovery Coach helps the person access recovery, as well as access systems needed to support recovery.
How is Recovery Coaching different?
Recovery Coaches are unlike licensed addiction counselors in that coaches are non-clinical and do not diagnose or treat addiction or any mental health issues, However, a coach may assist in accessing clinical services. Recovery Coaching is a peer-based service that is developed and provided mainly by persons who are in recovery themselves and as a result have gained knowledge on how to attain and sustain recovery, and also by those involved in the recovery initiation of others.